
Is Finance as a Service Your Solution to Outdated Financial Management?

Can You Afford to Stay Stuck in Outdated Financial Management?

Nowadays, small businesses find it hard to handle finances and compete, as an internal finance department can slow down growth rather than support it. When top-tier talent is too pricey and more affordable workers don't have the needed skills, the finance team becomes a helping hand instead of a key strategic driver of the business.

That's where Finance as a Service (FaaS) steps in, giving small businesses expert help and the freedom to turn their finances into a big advantage.

Reimagining Financial Management

This is where Finance as a Service (FaaS) comes in, providing a fresh way to manage business that fits the needs of fast-paced companies.

Running finance in-house often traps small businesses with high costs and limited flexibility. They can't easily adapt to changing markets or business needs. Plus, keeping up with financial rules can be tough without enough expertise.

SME leaders should focus on their strengths, not get caught up in time-consuming financial tasks. They need help to manage finances and receive advice without doing everything themselves.

Finance as a Service (FaaS) changes the game by letting businesses delegate their full financial management to professionals like Finalytics. This means small companies get help with tasks like big-picture financial planning and foundations, not just accounting.

Unlocking Growth with FaaS

Finalytics is more than a financial service provider; we collaborate with SMEs to ensure their success. With advanced tech, a skilled team, and expert advisors, we guarantee financial accuracy and compliance, provide adaptable solutions for your evolving needs, cut costs by decreasing the need for in-house finance staff, and give strategic advice from our financial professionals to foster business growth.

Think about if in-house financial management is slowing your SME down. With Finance as a Service, Finalytics becomes a strategic partner to make your finances work for you.

The Difference Between Hiring a Basic Accountant and Opting for Finance as a Service (FaaS)

When SMEs hire an outsourced basic accountant, their services are limited. They typically don't handle bill payments, collecting money, or checking bank records. They'll reconcile statements and sometimes help with payroll and taxes, but it's not guaranteed, and low rates often don't cover these services. Basic accountants do valuable work but miss key areas that small businesses need. They usually can't provide strategic financial advice, tax savings tips, or help planning for complex needs. This often means SMEs struggle to grow and manage their finances well.

In contrast, Finalytics delivers a whole Finance as a Service (FaaS) package that covers a wide range of finance jobs. This means smooth invoicing and payments, regular checking of records for accuracy, accurate payroll with tax compliance, and legal tax reduction. Additionally, advanced financial strategy, planning, and analysis (FP&A) to help your business grow is included.

By choosing FaaS, you gain finance experts and great tech to keep your finances accurate and help your business grow. Finalytics is here to partner long term with you for your continued success.

Outsource Your Way to Success

Are you interested to explore how FaaS can transform your business? Contact us for a free consultation where we can show you how our services can meet your unique needs and support your business growth.

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